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Our SLE's

Our SLEs


Our SLEs are a high calibre team of experienced teachers who support our teaching school to carry out its essential work in school improvement, CPD and ITT.   Thanks to their outstanding expertise, we are able therefore to offer peer support, staff training, CPD training, and school to school support in the following areas:



Early Years


ITT & NQT Development

Leadership of CPD

Leadership of Curriculum





Our SLEs:



Rebecca Barton



I began teaching in 2013 and I have loved every minute of my progression since, inspiring all of my pupils through an innovative and bespoke curriculum. I have taught across Key Stage Two in two schools; currently, I am the Year 5 class teacher at St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School, an outstanding National Teaching School and National Support School in Beeston. Here I am the English Lead: I am incredibly passionate about the teaching of reading and writing. I have recently been a lead SLE for the development of vocabulary through an evidence-informed research project with the Bradford Opportunity Area with immense impact. I am currently keenly prioritising a focus upon closing the reading gap, an area that is close to my heart and philosophy of English. I am also the Primary Lead for Schools Direct for St Anthony's Teaching School Alliance. 


What do you enjoy most about the teaching profession?

Every single day we have the opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life which extends far beyond knowledge and the classroom door. Being in the teaching profession allows us to inspire, support and mentor, whilst having the chance to discover and share some of the best parts of ourselves as human beings.


Antoni Biedka


Experience: Currently an Assistant Headteacher at Holy Family, a ‘Good’ school in Armley, which has outstanding mathematics and reading results in both KS1 and KS2. Senior leadership responsibilities have included performance management of colleagues, leading curriculum, key stage leader, maths, data analysis, assessment, and mentoring of School Direct students. I have worked with local schools and supported them with data analysis, implementing the new mathematics curriculum, and the development of effective marking. I have taught in both Key Stages and am aware of the current high expectations and how they can be achieved. Recently I have had the opportunity to be an Acting Deputy Headteacher.


What do you enjoy most about the teaching profession?

Giving every child the opportunity to be the best they can in a creative and fun way. I want children to be excited about learning and to become independent learners so that they can achieve in the future.



Rachel Capaldi


Experience: Currently an Early Years Leader at St Anthony's, an outstanding and National Teaching School in Beeston. I completed my NPQML award in 2017 and am currently working towards an MA in Education. I have experience working in Early Years across Bradford, Leeds, and North Yorkshire LAs working in a variety of different schools. Whilst working in North Yorkshire I was also designated as an Early Years Lead Teacher for the Local Authority, leading school-to-school support with allocated schools and running an Early Years network for local schools and preschool settings. I also have experience mentoring student teachers and newly qualified teachers in addition to leading initial teacher training sessions for both School Direct trainees and trainees at York St John University. 


What do you enjoy most about the teaching profession?

Getting to know every child in my class as an individual, learning about their personalities and watching them grow and develop over the course of their first year at school. 


Rebecca Gascoigne


Experience: Currently an Assistant Head Teacher at Robin Hood Primary School in a ‘Good’ school in Leeds where I have taught in Upper Key Stage Two for eleven years. Senior Leadership responsibilities include Upper Key Stage Two Phase Leader and Maths Leader. From 2015-2017, I was trained by the NCETM to become a Primary Mastery Specialist and was awarded NCETM Professional Development Accredited Lead. My Mastery Specialist role allowed me to work with, and support, six schools in the area by facilitating an extensive range of professional development opportunities and training to improve standards in maths with the maths leaders of the participating schools. I was also involved with writing the most White Rose Maths schemes which are used by teachers across the country to support the planning of an effective mastery curriculum.  


What do you enjoy most about the teaching profession?

I enjoy developing effective relationships with fellow professionals so, collectively, leaders and teachers can hone their skills, share and harness the best resources to improve the learning experiences of all children.  I seek to inspire and influence others, within and beyond my own school setting, so that education can be improved and all children are exposed to innovative and inspiring experiences that will equip them with a positive mindset and the tools necessary to reach their dreams and aspirations.


Gemma Martin


Experience: Currently the Assistant Headteacher at Rothwell St. Mary’s and over her time there she has taught across the full Primary Age Range and has responsibilities linking to ITT, Child Protection, English Leadership, and behaviour management. She is also the EYFS Lead Mentor on the School Direct Programme for St. Anthony’s Teaching School.  Gemma has Outstanding Ofsted experience and a range of practical Moderation experiences, spanning from EYFS to Year Six. English is her main focus and she is now teaching English at a focused level to Y6 children with the aim of improving standards and ensuring High School readiness. She is an SLE within the fields of both Teaching & Learning and Writing.


Hannah Nicholson


Experience: Currently the Year 6 class teacher and SENCO at St. Anthony’s, an outstanding and National Teaching School in Beeston. Completed the National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination in 2013. Leadership responsibilities have included: analysing SEND and PP progress and attainment, producing SEND and PP reports for governors, managing the Inclusion, Health and Well-being team within school, and leading the curriculum area of music. Has also offered school-to-school support in the areas of developing: Special Educational Needs, Pupil Premium provision, Planning, Key Stage Two writing and reading. Has delivered extensive school-to-school support to KS2 in Goole over an 18 month period with resulting praise from HMI.


What do you enjoy most about the teaching profession?

The moment when a child understands a concept they have struggled to comprehend and a smile of immense pride appears on their face.


Seanna Reuben-Sweeney


Experience: Currently an Early Years Foundation Stage Leader at St. Mary's, an outstanding school in Rothwell. Leadership responsibilities include leading Maths and R.E as part of a subject leadership team. Has also lead whole school initiatives for creative approaches to learning. Has also offered a range of school-to-school support predominantly in Early Years leadership working with Foundation Stage leaders and their teams across two LEAs. Has proven success with improving the learning environment and outcomes for EYFS, as shown in HMI visits. Has also offered support across Key Stage One in teaching and learning, developing the learning environment, moderation, and phonics.


What do you enjoy most about the teaching profession?

Sharing enthusiasm and the love of learning; watching children and adults around you thrive and achieve their true potential. Supporting others in developing this ethos in their own setting.


Hannah Taylor


Experience: Currently  Assistant Leader of Learning at St Anthony's Primary School, has previously been Deputy Headteacher and Acting Head Teacher (2 days a week) at my previous school.  Main Leadership responsibilities have included Maths, RE, Assessment, Safeguarding Designated Teacher and KS2 as well as co-teaching the Y6 class.  I have taught in all classes from Y2 to Y6 and over 15 years have supported a number of ITT students, NQTs, teachers and subject leaders.  Previously a Maths leading teacher/subject leader and have had experience delivering workshops at conferences on creative maths, outdoor learning, and reasoning/problem-solving. I have completed the NCETM CPD qualification and have recently achieved the NPQH. 


What do you enjoy most about the teaching profession?

Being able to inspire, motivate, support and encourage children and adults and watching them progress throughout the year.  I love to see the moment when the children (and adults) realise their success and this motivates them to continue learning. 



Clare Walsh


Experience: In my varied teaching and leadership roles across Leeds and North Yorkshire, which have included EYFS, Phonics and Computing, I have created and coordinated developmental EYFS clusters with local schools to provide peer support, best practice and moderation.  I have mentored and supported teachers in vulnerable schools as well as providing 1:1 support in the teaching and leadership of phonics.


I gained the NPQML (National Professional Qualification for Middle Leadership), in 2017 implementing a leadership project to raise the achievement in Shape, Space and Measure. I am currently teaching in Year 1 at Holy Family Catholic Primary School, Armley, leading the development of the History Curriculum across the school.


What do you enjoy the most about the teaching profession: I love teaching children to read – giving them the tool to learn for themselves for the rest of their lives.


Jayne Ward


Experience: Currently Deputy Headteacher, SENCo, and Year 6 at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, an outstanding school in Wetherby. Senior leadership responsibilities have included leading English leader, assessment leader, teaching and learning responsibilities, safeguarding, school-based tutor, NQT mentor, performance management of teachers and teaching assistants. Has also supported Year 6 teachers and senior leaders as part of school-to school-support in the areas of assessment, teaching and learning, writing, guided reading and maths.


What do you enjoy most about the teaching profession?

I love making a difference in teaching and learning for all the children in my class, throughout school and across schools through school-to-school support. I feel enormous pride when I connect with a child to motivate them to achieve their very best when they have previously struggled. I feel the same pride when I can offer support by sharing good practice with other professionals who may need help too.


Laura Wharton


Experience: Currently a Religious Education Leader and experienced Year 6 class teacher at Holy Family, a ‘Good’ school in Armley. I have worked with cluster schools and supported them with Year 6 moderation, implementing the new curriculum and shared good practice in Religious Education and ideas for the development of Collective Worship across the school. I have taught Upper Key Stage 2 and am aware of the current high expectations and how they can be achieved through analysis and targeted interventions.


What do you enjoy most about the teaching profession?

"Sharing enthusiasm and love of learning, especially when creating new and innovative ways for children to reach their full potential. The moment when a child has struggled to understand a concept and you see that light bulb turn on fills me with pride.”


Ian Whittle


Experience: I am currently Deputy Headteacher at St Anthony's Catholic Primary School and Deputy of St Anthony's Teaching School Alliance. My senior leadership responsibilities include staff performance management, managing whole school curriculum, leading whole school assessment and mentoring undergraduate teacher training students. I am also a subject coordinator for Religious Education and Physical Education. Over a number of years, I have helped to develop middle leadership roles, assessment, behaviour and the teaching of mathematics - areas in which I am particularly passionate.


What do you enjoy most about the teaching profession: "I am passionate about ensuring each and every child fulfils their true potential in every aspect of life. I enjoy attempting to achieve this every day in the classroom or helping other staff achieve this through effective coaching and support."




If you would like information on becoming an SLE, require more information about the scheme in general, or would like to deploy an SLE, please contact our Teaching School PA, Andrew Bove:



tel:      0113 2776944


