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National Teaching School

The Typical Training Week Part One

If you are thinking of applying to one of our teacher training courses ... do it!  The DfE Application portal opens for applications on Tuesday 10 October ... but if you are thinking of applying, then let me tell you what you are in for: fun, fun, fun!


Well, perhaps not 'fun, fun, fun' by most definitions.  It is hard work and probably the most intensively busy you are ever likely to be, but there is fun to be had, whether from teaching the wonderful children you encounter or seeing yourself develop and grow as a teacher.  And whilst the planning and marking might seem a massive hurdle at first, it won't be long before you have it licked.


A the moment our trainees are in their second proper week of training.  At the moment, they spend the first 3 days in University followed by the final two weekdays in their first placement school.  During this preliminary stage, our trainees have been getting to know their class, their teaching colleagues as well as important things like where to sit in the staff room!


Tomorrow, they will attend their first subject-based training here at St. Anthony's, and we wish them every success in getting to grips with the English curriculum.


Sounds easy, well this is only the routine for now.  In just under three weeks, our trainees will begin their placement proper, spending every day of the working week in school, planning and working towards teaching their first few lessons.  Then the work really begins.


Nevertheless, whatever is to come, we know our trainees are up to it and we sincerely wish them every success and joy as they set out on their short but exciting training path.


Now about that application ...
