If an application is successful the applicant will be invited to attend an individual interview. A formal invitation will be sent by Leeds Trinity, but St Anthony's will also send details of the teaching task and group composition by email.
Once an invitation to an individual interview has been received it is recommended that the applicant contact St Anthony's as soon as possible to confirm their availability. If an applicant is unable to make an interview or has decided not to pursue their application they must also inform us of this as soon as possible.
All interview candidates should bring the following important documents with them:
Certificates for GCSE: English Language, Maths and Science
Degree certificate
plus proof of any higher qualification such as a Master’s or PhD
A copy of each document will be scanned and sent to Leeds Trinity. The original will then be returned to candidates on completion of their interview.
The interview will be held at St Anthony's and will take place on a single afternoon or morning. The interview is divided into two stages:
The first part of the interview involves a short, 20-minute teaching task delivered to a small group of age-appropriate children. The teaching task will be observed by two members of the Initial Teacher Training (ITT) team. Candidates will be expected to provide a lesson plan. Materials such as pens and paper can be supplied as required, and there will be an interactive whiteboard available for presentations.
Following the teaching task, candidates are given the opportunity to reflect on their teaching, discussing their performance and lesson outcomes with their interviewers. The candidate's performance is then assessed, and those who successfully delivered the short lesson will be invited to attend the next part of the interview.
Experience is not necessary to succeed in Stage One, rather candidates will be assessed on their enthusiasm for teaching, their ability to interact with children, and their understanding of the role of a teacher and the general function and structure of a lesson.
If candidates are not deemed ready to take the course after Stage 1, then they may not be required to attend the panel interview in Stage 2.
The second stage involves applicants attending a panel interview. The panel will usually consist of two or three interviewers from our ITT Team.
During the interview, the candidate will be asked a range of questions designed to examine their knowledge of the role of teachers and teaching, their enthusiasm for the role, as well as their fitness for the course in general.
Once all second-stage interviews have been completed, a decision will be made by the panel based on the outcome of both stages. Where possible, all outcomes will be shared on the day of the interview, either in person or via telephone.
If the candidate is successful, they will receive an informal offer, which will also be confirmed by email. However, the offer will not become formal until the successful applicant's references have been received and checked.
Following a successful interview, the follow-up email will contain information reminding candidates of the process involved in accepting or declining an offer. Once acceptable references have been received, the formal offer will appear on the candidate's application portal. If the candidate wishes to accept the offer then they will be able to formally accept it on Apply and then they will receive further information about Leeds Trinity's Administration process which requires candidates to undertake a successful DBS check and provide proof of their qualifications.
Once the Trinity Admin. process has been completed, offers will then change from conditional to unconditional and the candidate will be free to commence their training and seek financial support.