We've long known that Lisa and Siobhan Leonard are two of the brightest stars in our Alliance firmament, but now it seems they have become movie stars in their own right! At the behest of the ingenious Trinity marketing division, we have created a promotional video to entertain and beguile potential recruits to our teacher training programmes. Due to the ongoing COVID situation, the marketing team have devised a virtual event in which videos for each partnership would do the promotion work. This might not have been as good as the real thing if it were not for the hard work and talents of both Miss Leonards as they wrote, directed and produced their mini-masterpiece (roll-over Orson Welles). The video features information about the courses, interview process and the general experience of both school Direct and training with the Alliance of the whole, co-hosted by the equally glamorous Gemma Martin and newly Qualified teacher, Lucy Stephens. Together with a number of still photographs showing our trainees in action as well as the wonderful children in our Alliance, the video brilliantly conveys the reason why everyone should train with St Anthony's. And if you haven't seen it for yourself, why not visit the Trinity Virtual Open day this Saturday the 10th of October. And if you can't manage that, why not check out our ITT pages where the video is on prominent display.
That's a wrap everybody!